Sunday, February 11, 2007

The first 5K in 2007

You would think a 5K is easy and yes, it is, especially when you run 3 miles every other day but for some reason I knew this one would be difficult. This is the first out of my 5 5K’s in 2007 (see ‘my resolutions). I prepared for it, getting enough sleep the night before, not going out, and waking up extra EARLY on a Sunday (god’s day, if you will). I woke up to the sounds of pounding rain and darkness, and easily could have fallen back asleep but remembered I signed up, paid and of course, made that darned resolution. So I literally rolled out bed onto the floor and dressed myself in the usual garb with the exception of my new free Chipotle t-shirt (that says, “I’d do anything for a burrito", pretty fitting, I dorky co-workers and stood hours in line for!) and off to downtown LA I went.

This is a special race in celebration of the Chinese New year – the year of the pig in which the race well represented. When I arrived, it was a constant downpour and surprisely, tons of excited runners ready to rock and roll. The festivites started off with a traditional dragon dance while 1,000 firecrackers were lit warding off evil spirits for the race and the new year. At this point, my body was only 25% wet, the gun fired and we were off. As I ran, listening to Enya on my i-pod, my shoes got heavier, my pants and shirt stuck to me and rain all over my face, I still kept on smiling. That is until I approached the hills surrounding Dodger stadium which were endless. I kept thinking, never stop, never stop running you wimp, finally… it was not until people started dropping off and I passed a few elderly people, I felt gratified. We circled Elisyan Park, crossed the 110 and back again to the beat of Chinese drums when I saw the end near, hills that went down and the finish line! I was soaked by the end and all I wanted was a hot shower, but no, alas beer in site, canned bud lights! This was the best race EVER but I refrained, settling for water, afterall it was 9 AM and I had to drive!

Overall, it was a wonderful and extremely satisfying run of my life. You see, my grandfather used to take me to watch the dragon dancers perform and the lighting of lanterns before the new year. I didn’t understand at the time and was freightened by the performance but now I can appreciate it. I thought about him and knew he was watching down on me, helping me get up those crazy hills, making sure I wouldn’t slip in the rain, and smiling with me at me in the rain. It wouldn’t have been the same without it, probably boring, at least for my first race on my 5 K adventure. Next one, I’d like to share with one of my friends…until then….keep moving…, keep running, it’s good for you.


virginia said...

great job on your run!! maybe you can sign up for the half marathon that vanee is gonna do in can take place of one of your resolution runs. =) keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Go 2 Go....You are a winner!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. You run 3 miles every other day, that's amazing!

p.s. beer is actually really good for you after running. It has tons of vitamins and carbs. (Mr. know it all about running, Matt, explained this to me).