Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Momentous Tuesday

Frick, 15 minutes until the polls open and I have to get to work on time. I am a good citizen; my grandfather would be proud, I roll out of bed and get dressed to the news, “California primaries are vital in ’08,” they are saying. I get the chills, not sure if it’s from my 30 degree apartment or the anticipation of my first voting experience. Yes, I have felt shame ever since ’04 when Al Gore lost, I lived in Pennsylvania at the time which was a swing state, and worse of all, was registered in Virginia.

I walk outside my door 50 feet to the polling place, South Pasadena Chambers of Commerce. To my surprise, I am the first one there and am awarded the 000001 ticket. It takes no time to ‘punch’ the vote but a few minutes to check over the ballot ensuring I chose the right candidate.

On the way to work, I listen to American the Beautiful; very fitting as the snow capped mountains are in plain sight. Darn it. I wish I had the song, “I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free” song on Tammy’s Jammies, shoot.

Even if my candidate doesn’t win, I can look back and say that I voted in the election where the first woman or black candidate ran for president, a defining moment in history indeed! Thus paving the way for Snoop to run for president one day….free chicken and waffles for everyone...a girl can dream can't she?!


Anonymous said...

I am proud of you! Obama '08

VP said...

dags, that's awesome,.... American the beautiful as part of Tammie's Jammies?


Anonymous said...

Ong would have been proud of you! Go, Hilary '08