Saturday, December 8, 2007

Culinary Artistry

Check this out, I made authors, Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburgs' site! They think Tammy Tu and Seeking the Good Life are reputable! I wrote to Karen and told her how much I appreciated her post and she immediately wrote back. Their new book, What to Drink With What You Eat is on my Christmas List.** I love Culinary Artistry, it was the first book I purchased as a budding chef. The book pairs and marriages what foods suit which flavors best. For instance, if you had Veal and it was the Fall season, which vegetable, fruit, herbs, spices, etc goes best with it? There are no recipes leaving the reader to be the creator. That's why I like it so much, no barriers, dishes are endless.... with many possibilities!

**Update-- the publishers are sending me a free copy of What to Drink with What You Eat!!! Yes!