Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Family and Frittata

This post is dedicated to my Grand-Parents.  I'm not sure if it was the embarrassing old school pictures that my cousin posted on Facebook or it's all the Michael Jackson music playing that is making me nalstagic of childhood. I really miss my grandparents.  They instilled in us the American dream, family comes first and to always take care of each other...no matter what.  But unfortunately as all of my 30 cousins grow older, those dreams, own families, friends, and lives seem to take precedence.  We haven't all been in once room since my grandfather passed away 10 years ago. However, I'm fortunate enough to have a few cousins here in LA. I cooked a Frittata this weekend for them.  We looked through old family photos and shared a few chuckles, perfect Saturday morning.

The Frittata was made up of all Farmer's Market ingredients and the key is caramelizing the vegetables before mixing them in with the eggs. Of course, there had to be a fatty side dish which were skillet potatoes--- sliced thin, crispy, salty with slow cooked onions...just the way I like it!

It's Peach season!

Santa Monica Farmer's Market

Frittata of Summer Squash, Zucchini, Red Peppers, Cavelo Nero, Red Onions, & Gruyere Cheese

I love using a Le Creuset skillet to make these potatoes!

25 years ago, Grandpa and us ---Can you tell which is me???

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