Friday, April 4, 2008

The 30 Club

Yes, 3-0. Many bloggers don’t share their age but me, nah, I’m cool with it. It wasn’t until the actual birth-date I felt utter relief and happiness. Most of my readers are probably the same age even older, you know all those older ‘sophisticates’ who actually care about my life and cooking! Anyways, when one gets to this age, they ponder, ‘WHAT IS GOING ON?” The initial thought that crossed the mind was WHERE DID 30 YEARS GO? I’m half way there..halfway through life, with modern medicine of course, add on another decade or two, right?

To calm nerves and prevention of a crisis, I listed the top 5 achievements thus far, next listing the top 5 ‘to do’ before 40 which is shared at the end of this post. I realize that am the luckiest person at 30. Just 2 weeks before, I spent a splendid weekend in Paso Robles. The weekend of my birthday, Mom made the trek from Virginia. We sight-seed the hot spots of LA, dined with good friends and danced the ‘twist’. She also gave me words of wisdom for the present and the future. I love you Mom and thank you for visiting. Also to my best friend for sharing her birthday with me too (she's 10 HOURS younger!), thanks Carly for the fun filled day bowling and gathering of friends, we really did kick it up another notch!

'Bucket List' before 40
1. Eat Pho in Vietnam.

2. Design and build my own kitchen.
3. Rent a villa in Spain for awhile, eat, drink, and cook.
4. Catch the fish, grow the vegetables, cook it all in one night.
5. Volunteer abroad.

1 comment:

chelseasummer said...

Hey Tammy! Beautiful blog site. I love it. When did you turn 30? Since I last saw you, right? I'm turning 30 on the 25th of this month. Crazy crazy.
