Monday, March 12, 2007

The Oscars

Everyone who’s anybody watches the Oscars, right? We all go to pre-parties, post parties, get together, bet/make wagers on the winners, and name our party foods, Leo diCaprese or Silence of the Lamb meatballs, even have a theme meal around the nominated movies? No? Yes, in LA, I quickly realized that the Oscars can be like the Superbowl. This year, I watched the Oscars and made bets, hoping that I would be the victor and requested the loser to cook for me. Little did I know I was up against local pros who have been watching the Oscars in LA for years, one of whom is in the industry! We somehow figured a shady but effective (for the winner) point system! That night I prepared a few paninni’s, portabello mushroom ‘pizza’, turkey meatballs, and barbecued chicken salad, no themes but a fun Oscar menu! There was a new red wine favorite called Guenoc, Sake, and lots of moping after the show ended! I am pretty sure I have the ‘Academy’ figured out and am ready for next year, watch out…you know who you are!

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