Thursday, July 19, 2007

New York, New York: The Urban Hike

With all the eating, there must be exercise. Not sure how I came up with this idiotic idea but I proposed that we walk the entire island of Manahattan. Manhattan is 13 miles long from the Bronx to Battery Park. It would be fun! I imagined us stopping and eating different types of NY snacks, not to mention pit stops for drinks. I start this post, admitting that I tried to re-neg on the whole ‘urban hike’ the morning of. I was feeling lethargic from the festivies of the night before (bad Sake)! Nonetheless, dragged by Vin and Gerlyn, I found myself in a freight elevator headed towards the Bronx, New York. We started off at 215th St., our first stop would be in Harlem at Sylvia’s Soul food, known for their Fried Chicken. Along the way, we saw Dominica influence, stands of 'fruit' juice, chichorones, roasted pork, and a man selling banana leaves wrapped around tamales out of a shopping cart. There were streets closed down for block parties, kids running through sprinklers, and a plethoria of boom boxes playing old skool rap, just like in the movies. As we approached Sylvia’s, there were parts of Harlem that were beautiful and revitalized.
After a mean portion of Ribs, Fried Chicken, Collard Greens, Mac n' Cheese, and Corn bread we heading on our way again and our oasis this time would be Central Park. We’d meet my cousin at the famed Boat House for a drink. With its lush green grass, huge American Elms and hoards of New Yorkers, one could understand why Central Park is world renowned.

The cold beer and people watching at the Boat House slowed us down a bit but we continued on. We thought about stopping for Gelato but instead, cousin Michelle grabbed a Chicken gyro from the famed vendor on 53rd st. and Vin decided to snack on a childhood goodie, the Rocket Pop (or Red, White, Blue Popsicle). This seemed to be the longest portion, weaving our way through tourists on 5th Ave and Madison Park, not to mention I was sunglasses fell of my head and into the toilet at our last stop...not funny! Anyways, onwards through SoHo and Tribecca where we got coffee and purchased a lottery ticket with the dollar we literally stumbled onto at the beginning of the hike. On the last leg, I kept on wanting to stop for a slice of that NY pizza and even in general but was co-ersed to ‘move on’. Finally, the site of the Trade Towers, Battery Park, and Lady Liberty as the sun set. Exhausted, sweaty, and hungry ….I couldn’t help but think….is this what immigrants felt when they first arrived to America? 13 miles with 4 stops, 5 bathroom breaks and picking up another hiker, we did it in 9 hours! Crazy but a good story indeed!

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